Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS)

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) is a distinguished and inclusive scholarly platform devoted to advancing all facets of agricultural research. With a focus on the future of food and fiber enhancement and production, the journal offers readers valuable insights and up-to-date information. TJAS features cutting-edge research outcomes spanning Plant and Animal Sciences, Soil Science, Farm Mechanics, Plant Pathology, Pest Management and Control, Entomology, Home Economics, Environmental Sciences, and Other Agriculture-related Sciences. As a crucial resource for staying abreast of the latest developments and innovations in agriculture, TJAS plays an essential role in facilitating knowledge dissemination.

In line with its commitment to academic freedom and openness, "Thai" in Thai language signifies independence and liberty. TJAS empowers researchers in agriculture to freely publish and share their expertise, contributing to the greater benefit of society and ensuring the sustainability of life's fundamental aspects. By fostering international significance, TJAS elevates the impact and significance of agricultural research on a global scale.


Aim and Scope

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) is a distinguished scholarly platform committed to advancing diverse fields of agricultural research, encompassing Plant and Animal Sciences, Soil Science, Farm Mechanics, Plant Pathology, Pest Management and Control, Entomology, Home Economics, Environmental Sciences, and Other Agriculture-related Sciences. With a focus on the future of agriculture and sustainable development, the journal offers readers valuable insights and up-to-date information.

1. Plant and Animal Sciences: TJAS invites research articles that explore various aspects of plant and animal sciences, including innovative approaches to plant and animal production, cellular and molecular biology, breeding and genetics, and efficient resource management. Contributions addressing the sustainable development of plant and animal-based food systems, the enhancement of agricultural productivity, and the promotion of biodiversity are highly encouraged.

2. Soil Science: In the domain of soil science, the journal seeks research articles that delve into soil ecology, biological processes, and their interactions with plants. Investigations on soil composition, chemical processes, physical properties, and interfaces are also of great interest. Studies focusing on soil conservation, sustainable land management, and environmental protection are particularly welcomed.

3. Farm Mechanics: TJAS welcomes research focusing on farm mechanization, agricultural machinery, and technological innovations within the agricultural sector. We highly value articles related to farm equipment design, development, and optimization to enhance productivity, resource efficiency, and sustainability. Contributions exploring pre and post-harvesting processes, housing, transportation, control systems, sensors, and precision strategies in agriculture production are encouraged and appreciated. We invite researchers to share their valuable insights in these areas, as they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of agricultural practices and advancing the field.

4. Plant Pathology and Pest Management: The journal invites submissions exploring plant pathology, diseases affecting crops, and strategies for disease management. Additionally, research on pest management and control measures to mitigate the impact of pests on agricultural productivity while promoting eco-friendly pest management practices are of significant interest.

5. Entomology: In the realm of entomology, TJAS seeks research articles on insect biology, ecology, behavior, and their impact on agriculture. Studies focusing on the sustainable management of insect pests and beneficial insects for crop protection are encouraged.

6. Home Economics: Contributions that address the role of home economics in agriculture and sustainable food systems, food safety, nutrition, food preparation, and preservation are welcomed. Research that emphasizes the promotion of healthy and sustainable food practices at the household level is highly valued.

7. Environmental Sciences: The journal invites research articles addressing the environmental impact of agricultural practices and the development of sustainable agricultural systems. Studies that explore the interaction between agriculture and the environment, climate change adaptation, and environmental conservation are of great importance.

8. Other Agriculture-related Sciences: TJAS encourages submissions covering a wide range of agriculture-related sciences, including agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, aquatic sciences, forestry, and agro-ecology, among others. Research that advances our understanding of sustainable agriculture and supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is highly desirable.


The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) offers a diverse range of article categories to accommodate various research outputs, facilitating the dissemination of cutting-edge agricultural knowledge. Our journal presents the following distinct categories:

  1. Research Article: This category encompasses in-depth original research studies that significantly contribute to the advancement of agricultural knowledge.
  2. Review Article: We welcome comprehensive scientific literature surveys, providing valuable insights and synthesizing existing research in relevant fields.
  3. Short Communication: Authors can present impactful research findings concisely in this category, allowing for the swift dissemination of important discoveries.

Authors are kindly requested to adhere to internationally recognized writing standards and formats, ensuring clarity and coherence in their manuscripts. Upholding our commitment to impartiality, authors and reviewers maintain anonymity throughout the review process. TJAS stands as a collaborative platform, fostering excellence in agricultural research and contributing to the growth and development of this vital scientific field. We invite researchers to share their valuable work, driving agricultural progress and innovation for a sustainable future.


Peer Review Process:

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science upholds a rigorous and impartial peer review process to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Each submitted manuscript undergoes thorough evaluation by esteemed experts in the relevant field, ensuring the research's quality, originality, and significance. Our double-blind review system safeguards the anonymity of both authors and reviewers, ensuring an unbiased and fair assessment of the scholarly work. This stringent peer review process is integral to upholding the credibility and excellence of our journal's publications.

Peer-Review Process Structure:

1. Manuscript Submission:

  • Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission system ( The editorial office conducts an initial assessment to ensure adherence to the journal's guidelines and scope. Manuscripts may undergo revision and resubmission, proceed to editor assignment, or be rejected if out of scope.

2. Editor Assignment:

  • The editor-in-chief or handling editor assigns the manuscript to an appropriate associate or section editor for evaluation.

3. Preliminary Evaluation:

  • The assigned editor evaluates the manuscript's suitability for peer review and invites qualified reviewers without conflicts of interest.

4. Peer Review Process:

  • Reviewers assess the manuscript's originality, methodology, relevance, and significance within 30 days. Constructive feedback and recommendations are provided to enhance clarity and rigor.

5. Editorial Decision:

Based on the reviewers' insightful comments and thoughtful recommendations, the editor carefully evaluates the manuscript and makes an informed editorial decision, which may fall under one of the following options:

a) Accept: The manuscript demonstrates excellence in its content and adheres to the journal's standards, warranting publication without major revisions.

b) Minor Revisions: The authors are invited to address the minor suggestions and constructive feedback provided by the reviewers to further enhance the manuscript's clarity and scholarly merit.

c) Major Revisions: The authors are requested to diligently address substantial revisions, as advised by the reviewers, to significantly improve the manuscript's scientific rigor and impact.

d) Reject: In cases where the manuscript does not meet the journal's high-quality standards or align with its scope, it is regretfully deemed unsuitable for publication.

6. Author Revision:

  • If revisions are requested, authors are given 30 days to address reviewers' comments and make necessary changes.

7. Second Round of Review (if applicable):

  • For major revisions, the revised manuscript may undergo a second review to ensure concerns are addressed.

8. Final Decision:

  • The editor reviews the revised manuscript and responses, making a final acceptance or rejection decision.

9. Manuscript Acceptance:

  • Accepted manuscripts undergo final formatting and language editing to ensure clarity and consistency.

10. Publication:

  • The accepted and formatted manuscript is published online or in print, accessible to the scientific community.

11. Post-Publication:

  • Published articles become part of the journal's archives and can be cited and referenced by researchers and scholars.

The peer-review process maintains the quality, credibility, and integrity of scientific research in the Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS), disseminating well-conducted and significant contributions to the scientific community.


Ownership and Management

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) is owned and managed by the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under The Patronage of His Majesty The King (Thailand), a prominent institution dedicated to promoting scholarly communication and scientific advancements in the field of agriculture.


Government Body

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) is overseen by a distinguished Governing Body comprising renowned scholars, researchers, and professionals in agricultural science. This esteemed body plays a pivotal role in ensuring the journal's adherence to high ethical and academic standards.


Editorial Team / Contact Information

Our Editorial Team consists of esteemed academics and researchers who guide the journal's content and publication process. For inquiries, submissions, or any other communication, please contact our Editorial Team at [email protected].


Copyright and Licensing

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) upholds a robust copyright policy. Authors retain the copyright of their published work while granting the journal a license for open-access distribution. Readers are encouraged to cite and share the articles with proper attribution.


Author Fees

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) follows an author-friendly policy with no submission fees or article processing charges (APCs). Authors can submit their work to the journal free of charge, ensuring equal opportunities for the dissemination of knowledge.


Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) takes allegations of research misconduct with utmost seriousness. In the event of such allegations, our Editorial Team will promptly conduct a thorough investigation. If necessary, the matter will be referred to the appropriate authorities for further examination.


Publication Ethics

At the Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS), we uphold stringent publication ethics and expect unwavering adherence to the highest ethical standards from all contributors, including authors, reviewers, and editors. We strictly prohibit plagiarism, data fabrication, and any form of unethical behavior in our journal. Integrity and ethical conduct are paramount values we foster and maintain in our scholarly endeavors.


Publishing Schedule

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) adheres to a regular and timely publishing schedule, releasing four issues per year. The publication schedule is as follows: Issue 1 (January-March), Issue 2 (April-June), Issue 3 (July-September), and Issue 4 (October-December).



TJAS caters to a diverse readership, ensuring global reach through both print (ISSN 0049-3589) and online (ISSN 2697-4762) formats. As a distinguished open-access journal, we are committed to providing unrestricted access to all published content. This approach empowers readers worldwide to effortlessly access cutting-edge research in agricultural sciences without any subscription or paywall barriers. Our dedication to equitable knowledge dissemination fosters collaboration and drives advancements in the field of agricultural sciences.



The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) places a high priority on the long-term preservation of published articles. To ensure perpetual availability and accessibility of scholarly works, our journal is diligently archived in reputable digital repositories.


Revenue Sources

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) sustains its operations through various reliable revenue sources, including institutional support, grants, and collaborations with esteemed academic and research organizations, facilitated by the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand.



As a commitment to providing an unobtrusive reading experience, the Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) does not incorporate advertising within its pages, prioritizing the focus on scholarly content.


Direct Marketing

The Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) refrains from engaging in direct marketing activities. Our sole focus remains on scholarly communication and disseminating valuable research findings.


We extend a heartfelt invitation to authors, researchers, and avid readers from the global agricultural community to actively participate and engage with our esteemed journal. Your valuable contributions and enthusiastic involvement play a pivotal role in enriching the collective knowledge in agricultural sciences, fostering continuous progress, and driving sustainable development in this vital field. Your unique perspectives and innovative research are key to shaping the future of agriculture, and we eagerly look forward to embracing your valuable insights and discoveries. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and collaboration as we collectively advance the frontiers of agricultural science independence and liberty.