Systematics of the Thai Calophyllaceae and Hypericaceae with comments on the Kielmeyeroidae (Clusiaceae)
Guttiferae, Flora of Thailand.Abstract
The Calophyllaceae and Hypericaceae are revised for Thailand and their relationships to the Clusiaceae and Guttiferae are briefly discussed. Thirty-two species are definitively recognised in six genera, namely: Calophyllum L., Kayea Wall., Mammea L. and Mesua L. in the Calophyllaceae and Cratoxylum Blume. and Hypericum L. in the Hypericaceae. A further four species of Calophyllum are tentatively noted as likely to occur in Thailand. Descriptions, full synonyms relevant to the Thai taxa, distribution maps, ecology, phenology, vernacular names, specimens examined and provisional keys are given. All species previously classified in the genus Mesua have been moved to the genus Kayea, except Mesua ferrea L. Two taxa were found to be endemic to Thailand: Mammea harmandii (Pierre) Kosterm. and Hypericum siamense N.Robson. The distribution for the families in Thailand was found to vary with the Thai Calophyllaceae being found mainly in Central and Peninsular Thailand whilst the Thai Hypericaceae were found mainly in the North and the North-East of Thailand. Overall the numbers of collections housed in herbaria are few and more collections are necessary in order to give a comprehensive account of their distributions in Thailand.
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