Nooron, Nattakarn, Sittiporn Parnmen, Pornpanna Chonnakijkul, Sujitra Sikaphan, Rungsaeng Chankunasuka, Sriprapa Phatsarapongkul, Chidkamon Thunkhamrak, Unchalee Nitma, Chutimon Uttawichai, Nisakorn Palakul, Dutsadee Polputpisatkul, and Archawin Rojanawiwat. “Use of Nuclear ITS Region as DNA Barcode Marker for the Species Identification of Mushroom in the Genus Macrocybe Causing Foodborne Illness”. Thai Journal of Toxicology 38, no. 1 (May 29, 2023): 55–67. accessed February 13, 2025.