Science, Engineering and Health Studies <h2 class="entry-title" style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #568ad8;">Science, Engineering and Health Studies</span></h2> <h2 class="entry-title" style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #568ad8;">(SEHS)</span></h2> <p><strong>Former name: Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal </strong></p> <p>Science, Engineering and Health Studies (SEHS), originally published as Silpakorn University Science and Technology Journal (since 2007), is a single blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal for original research article, review article and short communication. The journal provides an international forum for reporting innovation, production method, technology, initiative and application of scientific knowledge to all aspects of sciences, engineering, health sciences and related fields. The journal is fully funded by Silpakorn University and therefore no publication fee is required.</p> <p><strong>Journal Abbreviation</strong>: SEHS</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online)</strong>: 2630-0087 </p> <p><strong>Language</strong>: English</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency</strong>: Every published article will be immediately available on journal website. (Please note that the article numbering system will be used instead of page numbering, started from Vol. 15) </p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> </span> </strong></p> <h2 class="entry-title" style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #3366ff;">Announcement to authors: Policy on the Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in Publication</span></h2> <p>(May 8, 2024)</p> <p>Authors are permitted to utilize generative AI to enhance the readability and language quality of their writing. However, it is crucial that:</p> <p>- Authors thoroughly review and edit the output generated by AI tools, ensuring the accuracy of their submissions.<br />- AI LLM (Large Language Model) should not be acknowledged as an author or co-author in any publication.<br />- Authors employing AI in the scientific writing process must disclose the use of AI LLM in the Methods section.<br />- Authors must include a statement at the end of their manuscript, preceding the References section, titled “Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in the Writing Process.” This statement should provide transparency regarding the use of such technologies in the creation of the manuscript.<br />- Authors are strictly prohibited from utilizing AI or AI-assisted tools to create or modify images or videos in submitted manuscripts. All visuals included in manuscripts must be created or altered by human authors without the use of artificial intelligence technologies.</p> Silpakorn University en-US Science, Engineering and Health Studies 2630-0087 Factors influencing the properties of zein nanoparticles encapsulated with fragrances prepared by liquid-liquid dispersion <p>The duration of the fragrance is one of the factors that influences a customer’s choice of fabric softeners. Fragrances, a mixture of various aromatic compounds, usually present low solubility and stability in the environment, so they do not last long. Micro/nanoencapsulation technology of fragrances can be used to solve this problem. This research studied the factors influencing the preparation of zein nanoencapsulation with fragrances. Fruity fragrances were encapsulated in zein nanoparticles (PF-ZNs) by the liquid-liquid dispersion method, using Tween 20 as a surfactant. The effects of zein and ethanol concentrations of 0.4%–0.8% and 70%–85%, respectively, homogenized at 15,000 rpm for 5–15 min on zein encapsulation, were investigated. The fruity fragrance was loaded at 30% of the zein content. Increased zein concentration resulted in increased particle size with decreased zeta potential. Particle agglomeration was detected when the ethanol concentration was decreased from 85% to 75%. Compared to using a vacuum concentrator centrifuge, the zein nanoparticles agglomerated less when freeze-dried. The encapsulation efficiency of the fruity fragrance was 39.7%–68.4%, and the yield percentage was 54.5%–72.3% when freeze-drying was used.</p> Usaraphan Pithanthanakul Vilai Rungsardthong Bang-On Kiatthanakorn Savitri Vatanyoopaisarn Benjawan Thumthanaruk Dudsadee Uttapap Yulong Ding Copyright (c) 2024 Science, Engineering and Health Studies 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 24030001 24030001 10.69598/sehs.18.24030001