Changes of Chlorophyll a in an Intertidal Bangtaboon Estuary in Relation to Tidal Driven Salinity and Nutrients

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Khanitta Buakaew
Charumas Meksumpun
Shettapong Meksumpun
Chakhrit Ruengsorn
Patrawut Thaipichitburapa
Pichasit Sangmek


This study analyzes the impacts of tidal-driven salinity and orthophosphate on chlorophyll a in a tropical intertidal Bangtaboon estuary, along the western Gulf of Thailand. Field surveys were carried out at 12 stations during low-, medium-, and high-loading periods in May, July, and November 2015. Results indicated that chlorophyll varied by season. Particularly during high loading periods when orthophosphate increased, chlorophyll a levels were higher. In general, the levels of chlorophyll a here reflected hypertrophic condition of the ecosystem. The median concentration of chlorophyll a can be recognized ca. 2-3 hours after the highest tidal amplitude. In addition, the water masses with 24 psu salinity experienced the greatest chlorophyll a production. The role of salinity in chlorophyll a production was found to be enhanced by amplitudes and pulses of the tidal patterns. To support environmental conservation and maintain sustainable production in the estuary, orthophosphate concentrations along the highly productive water mass should be carefully monitored and further controlled by suitable management approaches.

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How to Cite
Buakaew, K., Meksumpun, C., Meksumpun, S., Ruengsorn, C., Thaipichitburapa, P., & Sangmek, P. (2018). Changes of Chlorophyll a in an Intertidal Bangtaboon Estuary in Relation to Tidal Driven Salinity and Nutrients. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 42(3), 53–65. retrieved from


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