Yield per Recruit and Spawning per Recruit of Brownbanded Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum in Southeast Asia

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Supapong Pattarapongpan
Sukchai Arnupapboon
Ahmad Ali
MATSUISHI Takashi Fritz


The brownbanded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) is a benthic shark species distributed in Southeast Asia. The species has been listed as “Near Threatened” by the IUCN, but only based on indirect information. In this study, yield per recruit (YPR) and spawning per recruit (SPR) analyses were conducted to determine the current stock status. Data were obtained from three major landing sites of this species: Sihanoukville, Cambodia (Sv); Songkhla, Thailand (Sk); and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (KK). The von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters L and K were estimated as 81.62 cm and 0.37 year-1 for Sv, 88.09 cm and 0.51 year-1 for Sk, and 86.48 cm and 0.40 year-1 for KK. The YPR and SPR analyses showed that the Fcurr, F0.1, and F30% were 0.29, 0.26, and 0.21 year-1 for Sv; 0.39, 0.23, and 0.23 year-1 for Sk; and 0.06, 0.24, and 0.24 year-1 for KK. The results indicate that the fishery for brownbanded bamboo sharks in KK is efficient and sustainable, but in Sv and Sk, harvest is nearing inefficiency, and fishing mortality cannot sustainably be increased from the current level. Some fisheries management measures are recommended for the sustainability of these stocks.

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How to Cite
Pattarapongpan, S., Arnupapboon, S., Ali, A., & Matsuishi , T. F. (2021). Yield per Recruit and Spawning per Recruit of Brownbanded Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 45(3), 14–27. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JFE/article/view/248527


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