Environmental Factors Affecting Miter Squid Uroteuthis chinensis Catch from Cast Net Fishery in Indonesia Fisheries Management Area 711
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The miter squid Uroteuthis chinensis is the main species targeted by cast net vessels operating in Indonesia Fisheries Management Area (IFMA) 711. A study of the factors that influence miter squid catch was conducted in this area to improve the efficiency of fishing efforts and support the management of the squid fishery. This study uses a generalized additive model (GAM) to describe the effect of marine environmental and vessel-related factors on miter squid catches within IFMA 711. Catch data were obtained from 59 cast net vessels after 113 completed fishing trips. In addition, oceanographic data from satellite images, including sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a, wind speed, and current velocity, were analyzed to determine how they affected the catch. The results showed an overall catch of miter squid from the cast net vessels was 1,151.21 t for 2020. The GAM produced the best-fit model with 141.72 as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) score, explaining 51.50 % of the total variance. Four variables had strong impact on the catch: vessel size, chlorophyll a, sea surface temperature, and wind speed. This study emphasizes the importance of understanding the factors that may lead to increased squid catches. As a result, for effective fishing efforts, water conditions and the monsoon cycle must be considered. These findings demonstrate that the factors affecting the miter squid catch from a marine environmental perspective can be reasonably predicted and provide valuable information for the sustainable use of squid when combined with an understanding of their life cycle.
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