Small Indigenous Fishes as a Potent Bioresource of Northeast India
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Fishes achieving an utmost length of 25–30 cm at maturity and are easily locally found are known as small indigenous fishes (SIF). Among eight hundred and seventy seven local freshwater fish species of India, about four hundred fifty are cataloged as small indigenous fish and Northeast India is home to 216 species of them. The peaking diversity of these is recorded in Northeast Indian area followed by Western Ghat and Central India. They possess a lofty nutritional content of micro and macronutrients. Since they are easily available, hence is first hand choice for the poor and middle-class people to fill up the protein craving. The present piece of work reviews the occurrence of the small indigenous fishes and their function in defending malnutrition and more explicitly the deficiency caused due to micronutrients, which directly influences both standard of nutrition and economic security of the rural populace. It also reviews the threats to its diversity loss and improvement of conservation strategies. It attempts to create sensitization of food benefits of the SIF and create mass awareness to protect this bioresource for nutritional and livelihood security for the poor rural people of Northeast India.
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