Impact of Super Typhoon Odette on the Reefs of Northeastern Palawan, Philippines
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This study assessed the damage to the reefs in northeastern Palawan, Philippines, brought by super typhoon Odette, which hit the country on 17 December 2021. Reefs in four marine protected areas (MPAs) and seven open-access areas, each represented by a permanent 75×25 m (1,875 m2) station, were surveyed following the C30 method in August and September 2021 (pre-Odette). These sites were revisited in February and March 2022 (post-Odette) to determine the changes in percent benthic cover, species richness and abundance of butterflyfishes, and the abundance of selected macroinvertebrates. The results showed a significant reduction in hard coral (HC) cover (from 33.84 to 9.65%) and other living organisms (OTL) (from 5.03 to 0.53%). Open-access sites had significantly lower (p<0.05) HC cover compared to MPAs. The species richness of butterflyfishes remained unchanged from pre- (6.25±4.79) to post-Odette (6.25±5.19). Although there was no significant change in general density (indi·1,875 m-2) of butterflyfishes, a considerable decline happened in one of the sites in Araceli (Cambari: from 41 to 9) and in Roxas (Salvacion MPA: from 29 to 0). Meanwhile, macroinvertebrates showed a declining trend, especially the small giant clams (from 399 to 40 ind·1,875 m-2). With the increasing incidence of super typhoons hitting the island province of Palawan, areas that are less likely to be affected are potential conservation sites. The site recovery rate requires regular monitoring for long-term protection and management.
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