An Analysis of Fish Farming Profitability and Marketing Efficiency of Selected Fish Species in Bangladesh
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Aiding developing nations like Bangladesh in their pursuit of food security requires careful analysis of marketing costs and margins as well as farmer profitability. Therefore, this study delves into the profitability and marketing intricacies of four prominent fish species in Bangladesh's aquaculture sector namely rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica), and pangas (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). Through extensive face-to-face survey involving 200 fish farmers and 212 market actors in aquaculture-rich districts, the research uncovers valuable insights. The findings unveil varying profitability, with catla fish emerging as the most lucrative, boasting a substantial benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 2.77, while Nile tilapia trails with a BCR of 1.08. The highest expense was incurred for feed, followed by fingerlings. The study highlights the existence of multiple routes for transferring fish from producers to consumers, notably direct sales to middlemen and the active involvement of intermediaries like wholesalers, and facilitators. Farmers sell 41% of their fish directly to middlemen. With facilitator's commission standing out as the most important cost component, wholesalers bear an excessive portion of the marketing expenses. Efficiency in fish marketing is meticulously assessed, with catla fish emerging as the most efficiently supplied species. The study underlines the considerable potential for bolstering fish productivity and enhancing the value chain–a promising avenue that promises financial benefits to both fish farmers and market actors.
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