Fluxes of Dissolved Nutrients and Total Suspended Solids from the Bang Pakong River Mouth into the Upper Gulf of Thailand
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Coastal eutrophication is a global environmental concern, primarily driven by nutrient contamination from human and natural sources entering the sea via river mouths. The Bang Pakong River, situated on the eastern coast of Thailand's Upper Gulf, exemplifies this issue. Its watershed, largely dedicated to agriculture, has witnessed rapid urban and industrial growth, contributing to water eutrophication in the Upper Gulf. To address this, a study conducted in 2016 and 2017 analyzed the exchange of dissolved nutrients and total suspended solids at the Bang Pakong River mouth across different seasons. During the rainy season, the concentration of nutrients and suspended solids was high. Hypoxia in near-bottom water occurred. The net flux of these materials depended on seasonal variations in runoff, with higher amounts (71.2×106 m3·d-1) being washed into the sea during high runoff periods. In contrast, during the dry season in February, material accumulated in the river due to seawater intrusion, with net water flux (11.6×106 m3·d-1) reversing. Significantly, the study found a strong correlation between the net flux of studied materials and average monthly rainfall in the Bang Pakong Basin. This correlation can be valuable in predicting substance transport from the river to the Upper Gulf, aiding in the assessment of nutrient enrichment in the region. Addressing eutrophication is critical for preserving the ecological balance of coastal ecosystems and ensuring the sustainability of these vital environments.
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