Use of Aquaculture Pond Sludge and Fish Waste to Produce Manure Worm, Eisenia fetida (Lumbricidae), Vermiwash

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Fransisku Hettige Sanduni Madhusanki
Udaya Priyantha Kankanamge Epa


Aquaculture pond sludge and fish waste are key environmental pollutants in the aquaculture and fish processing sectors, and they must be managed to reduce their negative environmental impacts. Aquaculture pond sludge and fish waste were used as bedding materials in this study to make Eisenia fetida vermiwash. The vermiwash was prepared using three substrate combinations: cow dung and Gliricidia leaves (control), cow dung and aquaculture sludge (ASV), and cow dung and fish waste (FWV) at a 2: 1 ratio. E. fetida (35–40 worms·kg-1 of bedding material) were introduced to each vermiwash preparation unit, and vermiwash samples were collected weekly for four weeks after one month of worm introduction. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, conductivity, potassium (K), total nitrogen (TN), and orthophosphate of vermiwash samples were measured. ASV contained significantly higher total nitrogen and less potassium than FWV and the control (p<0.05). While orthophosphate, pH, and COD among experimental vermiwash were not significantly different (p>0.05), the conductivity was significantly higher in FWV. Except for the low K and high TN levels, ASV was chemically comparable with the control vermiwash. Phaseolus vulgaris seeds exposed to ASV had a comparatively higher germination (63%) than those exposed to control (47%) and FWV (37%). The earthworm survival decreased to 9% in the FWV unit and increased by 49% and 33% in the control and ASV units, respectively. The findings demonstrated the feasibility of producing vermiwash from aquaculture sludge for integrated aquaculture and agriculture.

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How to Cite
Sanduni Madhusanki , F. H. ., & Kankanamge Epa, U. P. (2023). Use of Aquaculture Pond Sludge and Fish Waste to Produce Manure Worm, Eisenia fetida (Lumbricidae), Vermiwash. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 47(3), 126–137. retrieved from
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