A Case Study on Mud Spiny Lobster (Panulirus polyphagus Herbst, 1793) Farming in Sea Cages: Insights from Farmers in Southern Thailand

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Vutthichai Oniam
Rungtiwa Konsantad
Wasana Arkronrat
Chonlada Leearam


Currently, marine crustacean aquaculture production is high in Asia; however, mud spiny lobster (Panulirus polyphagus) production has been slow. Therefore, gaining more knowledge about mud spiny lobster farming and cultivation management is imperative. This study aimed to bridge this knowledge gap by investigating farmers' activities and environmental factors related to farming, focusing on their impact on mud spiny lobster growth and utilization. The study was conducted in 3 locations, namely Ban Chong Lad, Ban Khao Thong, and Ao Nao areas in southern Thailand from April 2022 to February 2023. The study revealed that three spiny lobster species were cultured in these areas. Panulirus ornatus had the highest percentage, followed by P. polyphagus, with Panulirus vesicolor being the least common. The supply chain started with wild seed procurement from collectors, with juveniles cultured in sea cages for 3–5 months for P. polyphagus or over a year for P. ornatus and P. vesicolor. Most lobsters were sold live to Thai and foreign tourists. The growth monitoring of P. polyphagus revealed a significant impact of density on growth. Lobsters in Ao Nao, which were stocked at lower density, had higher body weight and growth rate compared to those in Ban Khao Thong and Ban Chong Lad. Notably, regular supplementation with fresh mussels seemed to promote better growth in Ao Nao. Meanwhile, water quality parameters (salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature) did not appear to affect the growth of this lobster species across areas. This information provides valuable insights for optimizing mud spiny lobster cultivation practices in sea cages.

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How to Cite
Oniam, V., Konsantad, R., Arkronrat, W., & Leearam, C. (2024). A Case Study on Mud Spiny Lobster (Panulirus polyphagus Herbst, 1793) Farming in Sea Cages: Insights from Farmers in Southern Thailand. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 48(2), 154–164. https://doi.org/10.34044/j.jfe.2024.48.2.12
Research Article


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