Comparative Analysis of Population Estimates and Habitat Conditions for Three Targeted Parrotfish Species in Sulawesi: Implications for Conservation
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One of the functional groups of herbivorous reef fish is parrotfish from the family Scaridae. These fish have been categorized as excavators and scrapers, which enables them to support coral resilience by controlling the algae growth. Unfortunately, some species of parrotfish have been reported as targeted fish and faced uncontrolled fishing. This study aims to estimate the targeted parrotfish population in different locations to discern variations of fish in Sulawesi, and to provide information on the relationship between the fish and their habitat conditions. The study was focused on three species from Buton, Kendari, and Makassar, Scarus dimidiatus, Scarus ghobban, and Scarus niger using UVC and UPT methods to collect the data. The estimated population of fish was reported to be in good condition in Buton, but not in other locations. Moreover, S. ghobban showed a good estimated population among locations, while S. niger in Makassar indicated uncontrolled fishing conditions. The fish were found to prefer locations with more complex benthic substrate compositions, with Buton being the most populated location compared to Makassar and Kendari. Furthermore, fleshy seaweed was correlated with the biomass of S. ghobban. The sea surface temperature (SST) was related to chlorophyll-a and indicated a connection to benthic substrate consumed by the fish, which contributed to the abundance and occurrence of parrotfish in Sulawesi
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