Genetic Diversity of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) from a Crab Bank Project and Wild Crabs in Trang and Krabi Province, Thailand Using mtDNA Control Region Sequences

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Juthamas Suppapan
Apirak Songrak
Wikit Phinrub
Worawitoo Meesook
Verakiat Supmee


The blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is an economically important crustacean with increasing consumption demands, while wild stock is declining. Therefore, a crab bank project has been initiated to restore crab resources. The crab bank, which has been operating for at least 10 years, collects berried females, hatches their eggs to the zoea stage, and release them into the sea. However, the project’s success has not been evaluated. This study investigates the genetic diversity of berried females from the crab bank project and wild crabs in Trang and Krabi provinces. The nucleotide sequences within the mitochondrial DNA control region of P. pelagicus were analyzed. We found that 65.72% of wild crabs in Trang and 39.72% in Krabi shared haplotypes with berried females from the crab bank project. This indicates a division within the P. pelagicus population, forming two distinct groups corresponding to Trang and Krabi. The demographic history analysis suggests a period of population expansion. Based on these genetic diversity findings, we propose management strategies for the crab bank projects in both areas. However, this study is preliminary, and further research incorporating additional genetic markers from the nuclear genome and more samples from areas beyond Trang and Krabi is recommended.

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How to Cite
Suppapan, J. ., Songrak, A. ., Phinrub, W. ., Meesook, W. ., & Supmee, V. (2024). Genetic Diversity of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) from a Crab Bank Project and Wild Crabs in Trang and Krabi Province, Thailand Using mtDNA Control Region Sequences. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 48(2), 94–111.
Research Article


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