Assessing Environmental Factors for Seagrass Transplantation Site Suitability in Thailand
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This study aims to identify the environmental factors influencing seagrass distribution, with the aim of evaluating the suitability of an area for seagrass growth. Upon determining factor values, we assessed the accuracy of the methods used to ensure the reliability of those values for proposed seagrass restoration sites. R programming and structured interviews were used to identify relevant factors, while a Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to pinpoint six suitable seagrass transplantation sites in the Gulf of Thailand and another six in the Andaman Sea. The selection of factors to evaluate the suitability of sites for seagrass transplantation included the presence of natural barriers that mitigate storm surges and diminish wave energy, their proximity to seagrass beds, shore elevation above the lowest low water mark, extent of seagrass coverage, sediment grain size, and organic matter content. The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method proved effective in identifying potentially suitable seagrass habitats. The overall accuracy of the suitability maps for seagrass transplantation ranged from 60.0% to 93.3%. Notably, high-suitable and very high-suitable sites for seagrass transplantation were identified in Phangan Island’s Nai Wok Bay (81%), Thalen Bay - zone 3 (75%), Na Tham Bay at Samui Island (62%), and Tan Island - east side (55%), respectively. Our findings underscore that identifying areas and the specific types of habitats suitable for seagrass restoration can significantly inform decision-making and facilitate the implementation of actions aimed at restoring seagrass ecosystems.
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