Enhancing Biodiversity and Seagrass Ecosystem Health: Identifying Key Conservation and Restoration Areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia

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Okto Supratman
Arthur M Farhaby
Sigit Febrianto
Wahyu Adi


Seagrass meadows, integral components of global coastal ecosystems, function as biodiversity hotspots and provide essential ecosystem services. Despite their ecological significance, these habitats face increasing threats from anthropogenic activities. This study assesses the species richness and ecological health of seagrass habitats in the Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia. We evaluated seagrass coverage, species richness, water transparency, and the cover of epiphytes and macroalgae using the Seagrass Ecology Quality Index (SEQI). Conducted in 2023, our research encompassed nearly all districts within the Bangka Belitung Province that contain seagrass ecosystems. Our findings reveal the presence of 11 out of the 14 seagrass species identified in Indonesia, with an average seagrass coverage of 20.48%±18.10%. Macroalgae and epiphyte coverages were recorded at 1.35%±1.22% and 2.22%±2.58%, respectively. The overall ecosystem health was generally categorized as moderate, with a mean SEQI of 0.68±0.11. Notably, Belitung Regency exhibited the highest SEQI score of 0.77±0.04, categorized as 'Good,' whereas West Bangka Regency had the lowest score at 0.57, categorized as 'Moderate.' Based on these findings, we recommend targeted conservation efforts in areas exhibiting good ecological health and prioritizing restoration initiatives in regions with moderate to poor health. These measures are essential for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the sustainability of these vital habitats.

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How to Cite
Supratman, O., M Farhaby, A. ., Henri, Febrianto, S. ., & Adi, W. . (2024). Enhancing Biodiversity and Seagrass Ecosystem Health: Identifying Key Conservation and Restoration Areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia . Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 48(2), 74–84. https://doi.org/10.34044/j.jfe.2024.48.2.06
Research Article


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