Crab Biodiversity in Coral Reefs around Mu Koh Tao, Thailand, and the Role of Coral Crabs as Indicators of Habitat Loss Caused by Coral Bleaching

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Puntip Wisespongpand
Wachirah Jaingam
Kamonchanok Wongissarakul
Narinrat Nimprasert
Nararat Chantarawat


Coral reefs provide ideal habitats for crabs and various living organisms, offering crevices, sandy bottoms, and a rich diversity of resources. Mu Koh Tao, located on the western Gulf of Thailand, boasts vibrant coral reefs and potentially high crab biodiversity. However, coral bleaching due to climate change may impact this biodiversity. This study investigates the diversity, abundance, distribution, and community structure of crabs in coral reefs around Koh Tao and Koh Nang Yuan, including 11 sampling stations with varying levels of coral bleaching. A total of 47 crab species from 34 genera and 14 families were identified. The most abundant and notable species were Trapezia cymodoce, Tetralia nigrolineata, and Tetralia rubridactyla. Additionally, two species were newly recorded in the Gulf of Thailand, and seven species were potentially first reports for Thailand. Rare species dominated, comprising 82.98% of the total. Shark Island had the highest Shannon-diversity and species richness indices, at 2.43 and 5.53, respectively, underscoring its ecological importance. The crab community structure varied with the severity of coral bleaching and the diversity of associated organisms. An in-depth study compared the abundance of coral crabs in healthy versus bleached corals, revealing that Tr. cymodoce did not inhabit bleached Pocillopora damicornis, while Te. nigrolineata was found in both healthy and bleached Acropora hyacinthus, with densities of 23.81 and 7.24 individuals per square meter, respectively. These findings suggest that coral crabs can serve as indicators of climate change-induced coral bleaching and associated habitat loss, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to protect these ecosystems.

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How to Cite
Wisespongpand, P., Jaingam, W. ., Wongissarakul, K. ., Nimprasert, N. ., & Chantarawat, N. . (2024). Crab Biodiversity in Coral Reefs around Mu Koh Tao, Thailand, and the Role of Coral Crabs as Indicators of Habitat Loss Caused by Coral Bleaching. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 48(2), 165–180. Retrieved from
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