Estimating Age and Growth of the Mekong Tiger Perch, Datnioides undecimradiatus (Roberts and Kottelat, 1994) by Using Hard Structures
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This work is a comparative study on age readings and growth of the Mekong tiger perch, Datnioides undecimradiatus (Roberts and Kottelat, 1994) from different hard structures viz., the foremost spine of the dorsal-, ventral- and anal-fins as well as otolith. The fish samples were collected from two stocks, i.e. the Mekong and Mun Rivers, which ranged between 8 and 24 cm of total length. The formation of the daily rings was confirmed by the otolith of the 3, 5, 7, 15 and 30 days old D. undecimradiatus larvae. The age reading was conducted by 3 readers and coefficients of variation in all hard structures were around 25%. There was no statistical difference in the asymptotic lengths (L) and growth rates (K) between each pair of the hard structures (P-value > 0.05). The modified von Bertalanffy's growth function was Lt= L0 +(L
- L0)(1-e-Kt ), where L0 is the size at birth, for D. undecimradiatus where Lt = 0.15+(24.87-0.15)(1- e-0.47t) and Lt= 0.15+(26.05-0.15) (1-e-0.44t ), in the Mekong and Mun stocks, respectively.
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