Coral Restoration and Growth Performance at Samui Island, Southern Thailand

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Mullica Jaroensutasinee
Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee
Fahmida Wazed Tina
Sirilak Chumkiew
Peeravit Koad
Uthai Kuhapong


Restoration and growth performance of several coral species at four fringing reef sites (Hua Thanon, Lamai, Maenam, Nathon) in Samui Island were conducted. At each site, five coral colonies on a 1 X 0.5 m2 plastic netted quadrat (n = 6) were restored and placed at the coral reef from November 2014 to May 2015. Measurement of the initial and final sizes in terms of length and width of corals revealed that at Maenam reef, length and width of Fungia fungites and Lobularis sp. increased (F. fungites: L: Nov. 2014- 9.16±0.46, May 2015- 10.32±0.56, W: Nov. 2014- 8.75±0.46, May 2015- 9.58±0.51; Lobularis sp.: L: Nov. 2014- 11.86±0.17, May 2015- 20.87±0.23, W: Nov. 2014- 5.52±0.65, May 2015- 16.79±0.26). At Lamai reef, F. veroni length increased (Nov. 2014- 9.01±0.12, May 2015- 10.82±0.04). A. millepora and P. decussata, both length and width increased (A. millepora: L: Nov. 2014- 10.81±0.54, May 2015- 14.85±0.86, W: Nov. 2014- 6.71±0.60, May 2015- 9.39±0.88; P. decussate: L: Nov. 2014- 11.90±0.95, May 2015- 16.31±1.35, W: Nov. 2014- 8.03±1.04, May 2015- 10.48±1.00). At Hua Thanon reef, F. fungites and A. millepora length and width increased (F. fungites: L: Nov. 2014- 7.26±0.83, May 2015- 8.29±0.94, W: Nov. 2014- 6.55±0.74, May 2015- 7.70±0.91; A. millepora: L: Nov. 2014- 10.66±1.30, May 2015- 14.49±1.77, W: Nov. 2014- 8.32±1.49, May 2015- 12.01±2.11). At Nathon reef, P. lutea length increased (Nov. 2014- 9.87±0.67, May 2015- 12.55±1.10), while both length and width of F. fungites increased (L: Nov. 2014- 11.12±0.61, May 2015- 12.29±0.83, W: Nov. 2014- 10.28±0.49, May 2015- 11.10±0.61). Among sites, length increment was higher at Lamai reef than at Nathon and Maenam reefs, and width increment was also higher at Lamai reef than at Nathon reef. Among species, Lobularis sp. growth increment was higher than other coral species.

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How to Cite
Jaroensutasinee, M., Jaroensutasinee, K., Tina, F. W., Chumkiew, S., Koad, P., & Kuhapong, U. (2017). Coral Restoration and Growth Performance at Samui Island, Southern Thailand. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 40(3), 10–18. retrieved from


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