Growth, Production, Feed Conversion Ratio, Water Quality and Nutrient Budget of Hybrid Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) Cultivation in Earthen Ponds Without Water Exchange

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Grin Swangdacharuk
Yont Musig


The potential of closed culture system of hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) without water exchange and without aeration was evaluated whether it can still produce fish in high production rate.  The study was done in three earthen ponds in a private fish farm. Growth performance of hybrid catfish was investigated. Pond water quality and pond nitrogen and phosphorus budgets were also studied.  Results from this study indicated that closed culture system of hybrid catfish in earthen ponds without water exchange and without aeration with minimum pond management practice both between crops and during grow out period can give high production rate of hybrid catfish.  Production of hybrid catfish was 22.3-29.4 t/rai/crop or 139.2-183.7 t//ha/crop.  FCR and survival rate of hybrid catfish were 3.7-4.2 and 44.7-59.4% and daily weight gain was 1.7-2.7 g/fish/day. Water quality parameters varied between 30.3-4,552.0 NTU for turbidity, 0.03-7.23 g/l for total suspended solids (TSS), 0.02-1.48 g/l for particulate organic matter (POM), 138.8-827.7 µg/l for chlorophyll a content, 6.7-8.6 for pH, 0.27-132.58 mgN/l for total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), 4.70-295.8 mgN/l for total nitrogen (TN), 0.04-0.74 mgP/l for soluble orthophosphate (SOP), 0.39-10.40 mgP/l for total phosphorus (TP), 0.10-14.60 mg/l for midday surface dissolved oxygen (DO), and  0.10-4.61 mg/l for midday bottom DO.  Midday bottom and surface DO concentrations were at low level most time during grow out period indicating the absence of DO during night time. Major input of nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in hybrid catfish ponds were applied feed (98.0+0.6% of nitrogen input and 99.7±0.1% of phosphorus input). Major sinks for nitrogen were harvested hybrid catfish (36.2±6.10%) and pond effluent (35.8±4.14%).  Major sinks for phosphorus were pond bottom soil absorption (84.3±2.53%), harvested hybrid catfish (13.6±2.06%), and pond effluent (2.1±0.57%).  Hybrid catfish incorporated 36.3±6.4% of nitrogen and 13.4±2.0% of phosphorus inputs from feed.

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How to Cite
Swangdacharuk, G., & Musig, Y. (2017). Growth, Production, Feed Conversion Ratio, Water Quality and Nutrient Budget of Hybrid Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) Cultivation in Earthen Ponds Without Water Exchange. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 40(3), 78–92. retrieved from


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