Seaweed Cultivation in Bangladesh: Problems and Potentials

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Nesar Ahmed
Wara Taparhudee


          Seaweed farming is highly developed in many south-east Asian countries. However, the seaweed industry in Bangladeshis an initial stage. People in Bangladeshare still not aware of the seaweed potential, although Bangladeshhas a coastal zone of 480 km coastline and 25,000 km2 of  coastal area with a huge population, supporting a variety of land use practices. This coastal area with sandy and muddy beaches, estuaries and mangrove swamps can be provided suitable substrate and habitats for various seaweeds cultivation.Bangladesh is rich with 133 species of seaweed and eight of them are commercially important. These could be produced commercially in a large scale. Seaweed having immense medicinal vales and delicious food also has the export potentials as seafood to fetch substantial foreign exchange. Seaweed is also an ingredient for bio-chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.Bangladesh should therefore promote the cultivation and consumption of seaweed among their people. Efforts are needed to increase production through improving harvesting techniques, creation of artificial habitats and seeding of suitable coastal areas. The technology for the cultivation of different commercially important seed stocks and their improvements should be developed through research. In addition, extensive surveys need to be conducted to identify suitable sites for large-scale seaweed culture.

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How to Cite
Ahmed, N., & Taparhudee, W. (2017). Seaweed Cultivation in Bangladesh: Problems and Potentials. Journal of Fisheries and Environment, 28, 13–21. retrieved from
Author Biography

Wara Taparhudee, Department of Aquaculture,Faculty of Fisheries,Kasetsart University.