Epigenetics in Cholangiocarcinoma
การควบคุมเหนือพันธุกรรม, มะเร็งท่อน้ำดี, ดีเอ็นเอ เมทิลเลชัน, การดัดแปลงโปรตีนฮิสโทน, ไมโครอาร์เอ็นเอ, มะเร็ง, epigenetics, cholangiocarcinoma, DNA methylation, histone modifications, microRNAs, cancersAbstract
Although genetic defects have been widely documentedthe association to pathogenesis of cholangiocarcinoma(CCA), epigenetic aberrations have also been focused inCCA. Those epigenetic deregulations include promoterhypermethylation, hypomethylation, histone modifications,and up- or down-regulation of microRNAs. In this review,we summarize the role of epigenetic mechanisms whichregulate normal and cancer cells, especially in CCA.This information could indicate that the study anddevelopment of new epigenetic biomarkers for earlydetection and prediction are necessary in CCA. In addition,an application of widely-used demethylating agents andhistone deacetylase inhibitors has been also discussedto provide a potential chemotherapeutic strategy andeffectiveness for CCA.
Keywords : epigenetics, cholangiocarcinoma, DNAmethylation, histone modifications, microRNAs, cancers