Nurse’s Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Knowledge in Srinagarind Hospital


  • Polpun Boonmak
  • Nittaya Worphang
  • Suhattaya Boonmak
  • Pimprapa Nithipanich
  • Sawitree Maneepong


Background and Objective: Cardiac arrest is the emergency event and need the effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Nurses are required to possess ACLS knowledge and skills. This study aims to determine ACLS knowledge in nurses including factors that influence ACLS knowledge in Srinagarnd hospital.

Methods: A prospective, descriptive, study of nurses who worked at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, between May to July, 2007. We randomized nurses using stratified random sampling technique by department. The test (25 questions that composed of concept of BLS and ACLS, ECG interpretation, medication, and application) was given to nurses and collected in 20 minutes. We recorded demographic data and factors that may influence the knowledge. Total score and score in each part were recorded. Total score that more than 60% was classified as sufficiency knowledge.

Results: We enrolled 116 nurses. Mean (95%CI) of total score was 40.4 (37.1-43.6), concept of BLS and ACLS score was 39.7 (35.5-43.9), ECG interpretation score was 46 (41.4-50.6), medication score was 31 (27.2-34.7), and application score was 49.4 (43.9-54). Sufficiency knowledge was 16.4% (95% CI 10.2-24.4). Frequency of participation in ACLS the previous year, duration since the last ACLS training, and high risk working area influenced ACLS knowledge.

Conclusions: The number of nurses who had sufficient knowledge was low. It is recommended that ACLS training program should be appropriated into the routine works of nurses in our hospital in order to increase frequency of ACLS training.

Keywords: advanced cardiac life support; knowledge; nurses


How to Cite

Boonmak P, Worphang N, Boonmak S, Nithipanich P, Maneepong S. Nurse’s Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Knowledge in Srinagarind Hospital. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2013 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];25(1):42-6. available from: