Mocnium Aspiration Syndrome at Srinagarind Hospital : A review of five-year period


  • Krisana Pengsaa
  • Sukanya Taksapan


The infants with meconium aspiration over a five-year period at Srinagarind Hospital were retrospectively analysed. There were fifteen infants with 2,672 gm average birth weight and 39.12 weeks average gestational age. Forty percent were delivered by cesarean section due to fetal distress. Moderate to severe birth asphyxia was noted in 53 percent. Almost all of the patients manifested tachypnea with 33.33 percent abnormal lung signs and pulmonary infiltration were noted in 60 percent. There were only two infants who needed mechanical ventilation. One with bilateral pneumothorax required chest drainage and survived ; the other one was expired at 23 hours of age. Persistent hyperaeration of the right lung with mild sternal retraction were noted in one infant at 26 days old. We agreed and emphasized that immediate tracheal suction significantly lowers the morbidity and mortality of infants with meconium-stained amniotic fluid.


How to Cite

Pengsaa K, Taksapan S. Mocnium Aspiration Syndrome at Srinagarind Hospital : A review of five-year period. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2013 Nov. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];2(2):85-92. Available from:



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