Client Experience at Out Patients Department in Srinagarind Hospital Faculty of Medicine KhonKaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand. (A Pilot Study)


  • Ruenrudee Keaennak
  • Kannika Chathum
  • Nittaya Jarassaeng
  • Kannikar Yingyaun
  • Yanika Chetchotsak
  • Ratee Phromloungsri
  • Aeumporn Pimdee
  • Jetsada Sriboonlert
  • Salugchit Srimongkol
  • Tassanee Santipongsupakorn
  • Somchit Chumjan
  • Sangiam Chattrapong


Client Experience, Out Patients


Purpose and Objectives: The experiences that clients receive is an important field of study in order to improve hospital care. The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient experiences in the outpatient department of the Srinagarind Hospital. This initial study hopes to set the stage to explore means to improve client experiences in the future.

Methods: This initial study to learn what clients experience when they receive services from the outpatient department of Srinagarind Hospital was conducted in June 2018. The focus group consisted of 160 clients who received services from the outpatient department. They responded to a questionaire form that was adjusted from a sample questionaire from Picker’s Institute. The questionaire was made up of 15 questions and 8 parts using patients as the central focus. The clients responded to the questions on their own and responses were evaluated using the   percentage and averaging the results of each question.

Results: We discovered from the first question that doctors were rated very high in providing important information regarding their physical examinations 75.63%. The 8th question revealed that clients rated very low of a high level of satisfaction in having a part in deciding how they will receive further treatment 49.38%.   .

Summary: Results of this initial study revealed that the experiences of patients in this focus group were rated at level good and very good. The first question that doctors were rated very high in providing important information regarding their physical examinations.



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How to Cite

Keaennak R, Chathum K, Jarassaeng N, Yingyaun K, Chetchotsak Y, Phromloungsri R, Pimdee A, Sriboonlert J, Srimongkol S, Santipongsupakorn T, Chumjan S, Chattrapong S. Client Experience at Out Patients Department in Srinagarind Hospital Faculty of Medicine KhonKaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand. (A Pilot Study). SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];33(5):38-44. Available from:


