Status Epilepticus in Srinagarind Hospital
Background : Status epilepticus (SE) is an emergency condition and contributes to high mortality rate if patients were misdiagnosed and improperly managed
Objective: To describe characteristics and management of patients with SE in Srinagarind Hospital.
Setting : Medical ward, Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.
Patients: Patients diagnosed as SE, between 1990-1996.
Design : Descriptive study.
Results : Thirty cases were diagnosed as SE, 18 male, and 12 female. Types of seizures were generalized tonic – clonic sezure (GTC) in 25 cases and epilepsia partialis continua in 5 cases. Seven cases were diagnosed as having epilepsy in the past. Causes of SE (GTC) were CNS infection in 7 cases, antiepileptic drug withdrawal in 6 cases, post arrest in 3 cases, antiepileptic drug withdrawal in 6 cases, post arrest in 3 cases, hyperglycemia in 1 case, hypertensive encep-halopathy in 1 case and unknown in 4 cases. Eighteen GTC patients were improperly managed (72.00%) ,the common causes were too low phenytoin for loading dose and incorrect diagnosis. Mortality rate was 56.00% , cause of death were sepsis and brain herniationh.
Conclusion : SE is an emergency condition, common causes were CNS infection and antiepileptic drug withdrawal and contributed to high mortality rate of 56.00%. Eighteen patients (72.00%) were improperly managed.