The Study of Driving Behavior When Encounter the Light and Siren on Ambulance


  • Korakot Apiratwarakul
  • Ratchanan Artpru
  • Kamonwon Ienghong
  • Wutchara Rattanaseeha
  • Tattaya Piwhom
  • Pariwat Phungoen


ระบบการแพทย์ฉุกเฉิน; รถพยาบาล; เสียงไซเรน, emergency medical services; ambulance; siren


Background and Objectives: Operations in emergency medical services need to reach patients quickly to assess symptoms and provide treatment. Medical staff will operate by using an ambulance as a travel vehicle, the signal lights and the siren sound of ambulance cause drivers to make way for ambulance.

Methods: This was a prospective intervention study from April 15, 2016 to June 30, 2017 to determine the percentage of vehicles that give space to ambulance when use signal lights and the siren.

Results: When considering driving behavior; cars, motorcycles and tricycles were the most giving space for ambulance, 122 (40.8%), 182 (60.7%), 47 (51.1%), respectively.

Conclusion: The use of light and siren signals affect driving behavior to completely avoid ambulance in car, motorcycles and tricycles.


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How to Cite

Apiratwarakul K, Artpru R, Ienghong K, Rattanaseeha W, Piwhom T, Phungoen P. The Study of Driving Behavior When Encounter the Light and Siren on Ambulance. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];33(5):404-7. Available from:



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