Comparison of Bactericidal Efficacy between Ethanol- and Clorox®-containing Disinfectants in Laboratories


  • Phonlawat Janpiw


Ethanol; Clorox®; time-based manner; bactericidal activity


Background and Objective: Ethanol and Clorox® are chemicals used worldwide for disinfectant purposes in laboratories. However, there are some limitations of these chemicals; Ethanol is highly volatile, thus decreasing bactericidal activity, while Clorox® is corrosive and exposure to high concentration might cause severe irritation. In this study, we aim to determine the minimum concentration of Clorox® that still have bactericidal properties and to study the synergistic bactericidal properties of the mixture of Clorox® and Ethanol.

Methods: Five different conditions were used in this study; 2%Clorox®, 4%Clorox®, 2%Clorox® mixed with 70%Ethanol, 4%Clorox® mixed with 70%Ethanol, and 70%Ethanol. Bactericidal activities were evaluated against three bacteria species, S. aureus, E. coli and B. cereus, by Disc Diffusion Method. The onset and duration of sterilization were also observed in a time-based manner.

Results: The results revealed that bactericidal activities of all 5 conditions were significantly different when compared with negative control (p <0.05). The combination of 2%Clorox® mixed with 70%Ethanol and 4%Clorox® mixed with 70%Ethanol showed the best bactericidal activity. This study also found that all conditions, except 70%Ethanol, showed 100% bactericidal activity at 0 minute.

Conclusion: To ensure the high bactericidal efficacy, it is necessary to treat laboratory equipment for 10 minutes before cleaning. The mixture of 2%Clorox® and 70%Ethanol might be the best choice, considering the safety of using low concentration of Clorox® and prevention of bacterial resistance by using chemical combination.


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How to Cite

Janpiw P. Comparison of Bactericidal Efficacy between Ethanol- and Clorox®-containing Disinfectants in Laboratories. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];33(5):444-50. Available from:



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