The Development of Web Application for Shoulder Exercise Program in Patients after Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices Implantation


  • Benja Songsaengrit
  • Montri Yasud


Exercise Program


Background and Objectives: The shoulder exercise program in patients after cardiac rhythm management devices implantation consisted of 4 phases. It decreased the risk of frozen shoulder syndrome. However, the risk of shoulder exercise program service was error by healthcare providers. The aim of this study was the development of web application for shoulder exercise program on the internet.     

 Methods: The developmental research included the development and evaluation of web application for shoulder exercise program on the internet by 10 physicians and physical therapists.

Results: The web application for shoulder exercise program could be displayed on a web browser on multiple devices and provided correct shoulder exercise program. The user satisfaction on performance, design and overall of the web application were excellent level, an average mean score equaled 4.80 over 5.00. It was working without technical problems and responding to user need.      

Conclusions:  The web application for shoulder exercise program on the internet worked effectively and accurately provided accurate shoulder exercise program. It can be practically used and increased an efficiency of medical personnel for this service. 


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How to Cite

Songsaengrit B, Yasud M. The Development of Web Application for Shoulder Exercise Program in Patients after Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices Implantation. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];33(6):572-9. Available from:



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