Situation of Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment in the Voluntary Drug Treatment System at the Tambon (sub-district) Health Promoting Hospitals, Amnatcharoen Province


  • Kanlayanee Suvetvetin
  • Summana Moolasarn
  • Teeraporn Supapaan


voluntary drug treatment system; methamphetamine users; the sub-district health promoting hospitals; Amnatcharoen province


Background and Objective: Methamphetamine use remains a significant threat to security in many regions around the world. In 2017, Ministry of Public Health announced the policy that the Tambon (sub-district) health promoting hospitals (THPHs) are expected to primarily manage the treatment for the patients with substance use disorder. Amnatcharoen province is the only setting that provides the substance treatment cover all 77 THPHs since 2012. However, there is a lack of information about the situations regarding drug treatment system for the methamphetamine users in the THPHs. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the situation regarding the voluntary drug treatment system for the methamphetamine users in the THPHs, Amnatcharoen province in four aspects as follows: policy and treatment system, place, personnel and budget.

Methods: This was a descriptive study. The secondary data that concerned to the topic, such as, the annual action plan of the addiction treatment in Amnatcharoen, the annual report of the addiction treatment, the guideline of the addiction treatment in Amnatcharoen, were collected and studied. Descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages were used to describe the data obtaining from this study.

Results: The Amnatcharoen provincial Public Health Office (APPHO) had the policy that support methamphetamine addiction treatment in the voluntary drug treatment system. They facilitated this service by preparing the trained personnels, treatment centers and financial budget. The Matrix Program was used in the treatment service. It contained 9 visits within the 4-month period. All of the patients who obtained treatment in THPHs was methamphetamine or “Ya-ba” addicts. They were categorized as the drug abuse. Treatment success rate at the three months treatment program was 100%.

Conclusion: Amnatcharoen province is the only province that introduce the drug treatment in all 77 THPHs since 2012. The trained personnels, treatment centers and budget were prepared by the APPHO. The Matrix Program was used in the treatment service. Treatment success after the treatment program was 100%.


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How to Cite

Suvetvetin K, Moolasarn S, Supapaan T. Situation of Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment in the Voluntary Drug Treatment System at the Tambon (sub-district) Health Promoting Hospitals, Amnatcharoen Province. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];33(6):580-8. Available from:



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