Family and Community Participation in Caring of Chronic Schizophrenia Patients: A Case study at Ban Tha Muang Community Roi, Et Province


  • Atiya Posri Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Roi Et Rajabath University, Roi Et 45120


Schizophrenia patient; participation of community


Background and Objective : To demonstrate family and community participation in care of patients with chronic Schizophrenia  is   beneficial for  the patients , their parents, the community and the  nurses. This participatory Action Research (PAR) has two mean objectives: 1) to study the effects of community Participation in care of chronic Schizophrenia patients; 2) to study the effects of  the family support group program on the negative symtoms of patients with Schizophrenia.

Methods:  This PAR purposive sampling was used to select 12 chronic Schizophrenia patients , 12 caregivers,  2 nurses and 12 health volunteers. Study instruments include general information of the sample group , focus group and in-depth interviews, Negative Syndrome Scale . The  PAR process consisted of  four phases:  1)  planning  and development of a community participation process; 2) implementation of the process; 3) monitoring the effects; and 4) evaluation of results. Analysis of the data was performed using a quantitative and qualitative methods.

Results :  Allowing the community leader to direct community members in the participation plan enables them to think, analyze, plan, carry out and monitor patients in their community in a structured way. The negative symptoms of patients participating in the family support groups program were significantly lower than before the experiment (PL 0.05).

Conclusions This study revealed that developing the community participation plan assists in the rehabilitation of the patients. The result Suggest that  schizophrenic patients  could decrease negative symtoms  with  family support groups. This allows the patients are more freedom to live in their community.


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How to Cite

Posri A. Family and Community Participation in Caring of Chronic Schizophrenia Patients: A Case study at Ban Tha Muang Community Roi, Et Province. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];34(1):83-9. Available from:



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