Patients’ Quality of Life after Open-Heart Surgery


  • Prawpan Suwanakitch Department of Cardio-Thoracic Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University 65000
  • Sipapon Suwanlumpha Department of Cardio-Thoracic Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University 65000
  • Nopparat Krongphaiklang Department of Cardio-Thoracic Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University 65000
  • Worapong Samer Department of Cardio-Thoracic Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University 65000
  • Watchara Kaemahanin Department of Cardio-Thoracic Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University 65000
  • Jaran Sayasatit Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University 65000


quality of life; open heart surgery; valve replacement; bypass surgery; congenital heart disease


Background and objective:  Heart surgery and applying heart-lung machine are the last effective treatment for curing patients with cardiovascular diseases.  Naresuan university hospital has conducted open-heart surgery since 2012. However, there was lacking of long term followed up information on patients’ quality of life. Therefore, this study aimed to study the quality of life of post-open heart surgery patients over 5 years. Method:  This was a cross-sectional study.  The data were collected during October to November 2017 from 58 post-open heart surgery patients at Naresuan universiry hospital, Phitsanulok province who visited the doctors by appointment and those who did not visit by telephone. The questionnaires consisted of the basic information of patients, quality of life (WHOQOT-BREF-THAI) and depression screening (2Q9Q).

Results:  The quality of health and overall quality of life of bypass surgery patients, valve replacement patients valve repair patients and congenital patients were at good level )112.17±6.01, 113.84±8.69, 113.20±16.93, 113.57±9.39, respectively).  Other quality of life such as the physical, mental, social and environmental aspects of all patients were at good level.

Conclusion: The multidisciplinary team should plan patient care before, during and post open-heart surgery including the knowledge of self-care for post-open heart patients’ good quality of life.


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How to Cite

Suwanakitch P, Suwanlumpha S, Krongphaiklang N, Samer W, Kaemahanin W, Sayasatit J. Patients’ Quality of Life after Open-Heart Surgery. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];34(2):178-83. Available from:



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