Development of Prescribing Error Program for Reporting in Srinagarind Hospital


  • Piangpen Chanatepaporn


ความคลาดเคลื่อนการสั่งใช้ยา; ความคลาดเคลื่อนทางยา, prescribing errors; medication error


Background and Objective: One of indicators for assessment quality of hospital  was prescribing error. Which could guarantee the effectiveness in treatment  and safety of medication use in patients. Because of Srinagarind hospital lacks of the effective method to collect prescribing errors. The objectives of this study were to introduce the computer technology into the process for collecting and reporting data of prescribing errors. Thus, leading to identify the types and formats of prescribing errors.

Methods: This study was a descriptive study, designed and developed “Prescribing error program” with the Microsoft access 2007. Data was collected from prescription of the out-patients and in-patients at pharmacy service in Srinagarind hospital, during October 1st 2016 to September 30th 2017.

Results: Nine hundred and seventy-four prescribing errors were detected in out-patient’s prescription (1.58 per 1,000 prescriptions). The most frequently found in “medicine department” (37.17%), followed by “pediatrics department” (19.20%) and “surgery department” (9.65%), respectively. The most common type of problem were “unclear dosage regimen” (39.57%), followed by “drug duplicate” (11.91%) and “wrong amount of medicines” (11.29%), respectively. The most severity of identified prescribing errors was classified as level B (99.38%). In the part of in-patients’s prescription, there were 693 prescribing errors (0.634 per 1,000 prescriptions). The most frequently found in “medicine department” (43.87%), followed by “surgery department” (18.90%) and “pediatrics department” (12.41%),  respectively. The most common type of problem were “the save command in the hospital information system does not match prescriptions” (17.75%), followed by “over dose” (15.73%) and “unclear or wrong of  drug strength” (6.78%),  respectively. The most severity levels of prescribing errors was classified as level B (84.13%).

Conclusions: This program was an innovation of technology for collecting, retrieving including analyzing and reporting prescribing errors. They could summarize the problems in time and input data for future in order to solve and prevent the prescribing errors. This program may increase efficiency in providing pharmaceutical care to the patients.


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How to Cite

Chanatepaporn P. Development of Prescribing Error Program for Reporting in Srinagarind Hospital. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2019 May 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];34(3):261-70. available from:



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