The Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Nursing staffs on Post-operative Delirium in the Elderly


  • Sirimart Piyawattanapong Gerontological Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University
  • Mayuree Leethong-in
  • Supavadee Thiengtham
  • Sawitree Sommongkol
  • Tharinee Phetcharat
  • Sagheemas Kaewkot


การพยาบาล; ความรู้; ทัศนคติ; ภาวะสับสนเฉียบพลันหลังผ่าตัด; ผู้สูงอายุ, nursing care; knowledge; attitude; post-operative delirium; the elderly


Background and Objective: Nurses are responsible for understanding, monitoring, preventing and manipulating the post-operative delirium in elderly patients. This study aimed to investigate the levels and relationship among nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and performance about caring post-operative delirium in the elderly patients. 

Methods: This correlational study was carried out among 94 registered nurses in Surgical and Orthopedic nursing department, Srinagarind hospital, faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen university. The data collection consisted of the knowledge questionnaire on post-operative delirium, the attitude questionnaire on post-operative delirium and the behavioral nursing practice questionnaire on post-operative delirium in the elderly patients that had the reliabilities at 0.70, 0.83 and 0.91, respectively. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s Rho.

Results: The response rate were 97.92% (96/94). The study depicted that 78.7% of the participants demonstrated a good level of knowledge. It is also suggested that 44.7% of the nurses have positive attitudes toward caring post-operative delirium in elderly patients, and 79.8% of them frequently perform post-operative caring of delirium in elderly patients at a high level. The knowledge and attitude did not have the correlation with practices of nurses on post-operative delirium in the elderly patients (p=.111 and .913, respectively).

Conclusion: The majority of the nurses were considered as being well educated, having positive attitudes, and giving care to the elderly patients consistently. Therefore, to maintain the quality of nursing care for post-operative elderly patients, seminar sessions which both provide knowledge and encourage nurses to have positive attitudes should be regularly and continuously conducted. 


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How to Cite

Piyawattanapong S, Leethong-in M, Thiengtham S, Sommongkol S, Phetcharat T, Kaewkot S. The Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Nursing staffs on Post-operative Delirium in the Elderly. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2019 May 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];34(3):281-8. available from:



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