Development and Monitoring the Key Performance Indicators of the Quality of Nursing Care for Patients with Cleft Lip/Palate in Operating room Srinagarind Hospital


  • วรัญญา สร้อยหิน
  • ลำพึง เทียมวิสัย
  • สุธีรา ประดับวงษ์




Background and objective:  Nursing care for cleft lip and cleft palate deformities (CLP) patients during surgical treatments to be safe and satisfied is an important goal Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of nursing care, it is necessary to define indicators using to evaluate the quality of nursing care. The purpose of this study was to develop and monitor the quality of nursing care patients with CLP and inquire about the opinions of users in Srinagarind hospital.

Methods: The Participatory Action Process was adopted to develop the performance indicators (KPIs) for giving care to the CLP patients in the operating room. The nurses meetings were four sessions. Phase 1, the 3 Key KPIs were determined and collected data from 65 patients. Phase 2,  development of another 13 KPIs, the data were collected from 102 patients based on the total of 16 KPIs. The information system was developed as the device for data collection in order to immediately save and evaluate the obtained information. Evaluating users' opinions of the quality services, a total of 15 items  were collected from 50 caregivers. The data collection was processed for 12 months.

Result: There were  four meetings, 16 nursing quality indicators. The results showed that they were able to perform according to 15 goals. The opinions of users of the service on the quality of surgical services 15 practices according to the 9 target values. The development of the information system can be processed automatically.

Conclusion: Nursing Quality Indicators, according to the target value, can be 15 items, personal indicators, service users' comments on the quality of surgical services according to the target set by most. And can process in the information system automatically. The results of the study will continue to improve the quality of nursing care.


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How to Cite

สร้อยหิน ว, เทียมวิสัย ล, ประดับวงษ์ ส. Development and Monitoring the Key Performance Indicators of the Quality of Nursing Care for Patients with Cleft Lip/Palate in Operating room Srinagarind Hospital. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];34(4):361-6. Available from:



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