Nutritional Status of Surgical and Orthopedic Patients:Patients with Cancer in 3C Ward


  • ดาราวรรณ อักษรวรรณ
  • พิณรัตน์ แถวโสภา
  • พลากร สุรกุลประภา




Objective: To study the nutritional status of patients with cancer in surgical ward  3C  at Surgical and Orthopedics Nursing Division , Srinagarind Hospital.

Method: This was a descriptive study,  the sample population were adult patients with cancer admitted in 3C Ward between October 2014 and September 2015.The instruments used in this study consisted of three parts:1)personal data , 2) screening nutritional status and 3) nutritional assessment. The data were analyzed by frequency and percentage.

Results: A sample population of 45 patients, mean age 56.75 years, male were 55.5%, patients  have oral cavity problem were 44.4%. Screening of nutritional status found the sample population had high incidence of Head and neck cancer 46.7%, Patients with high risk of malnutrition were 34.8% including 41.1 % were Head and neck cancer. Nutritional assessment by mid-arm circumference (MAC), triceps skin fold (TSF) mid arm muscle circumference (MAMC) found that patients with severe  nutritional status  were 41.1, 52.9 and 41.1 %, respectively.

Conclusion: The malnutrition status nutritional status of patients with cancer found 34.8%  in high risk nutrition it can lead to delayed of wound healing, complications and delayed on recovery.


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How to Cite

อักษรวรรณ ด, แถวโสภา พ, สุรกุลประภา พ. Nutritional Status of Surgical and Orthopedic Patients:Patients with Cancer in 3C Ward. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];34(4):393-7. Available from:



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