Proportion of the Medical School Personnel Who Completely Resumed to Their Original Work after Sickness Absence
Return to work assessment; healthcare personnel; resumed to original work; Occupational healthAbstract
Background and Objectives: On occupational health service issues when personnel is injured or sick, fitness for work evaluation is necessary to assess the ability to return to work without risk to him/herself, others and the public. This study aimed to 1) study the proportion of personnels who completely resumed to their original work in the optimal time after sickness absence 2) study factors related to return to original work in the optimal time
Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 104 personnels who were assessed for a returning to work from 1 October 2016 - 31 May 2018. Personal health and job informations were obtained together with the result of return to work assessment. Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics were applied. Results: Personnel injured or sick could resume to original work in the optimal time at 79.8 percent (83/104). The most diseases which were assessed for returning to work were infectious diseases 45.2%, followed by musculoskeletal disease 25% and skin disease 8.7%. Factors related to resume to original work were female (OR 4.9, 95%CI: 1.7, 13.9, p<0.01) and direct contact to patient (OR 3.8, 95%CI: 1.1,12.4, p-value=0.03).
Conclusion: The proportion of personnel who completely resumed to their original work was lower than previous studies. Female and direct contact with the patient were a possibility of resumed to original work. This might be caused by only statistical relationships because most personnels were female. The analytical design should be continued
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