Sleep Pattern among Students in Khon Kaen University


  • Nisachon Butsathon
  • Varisara Luvira Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
  • Pat Nonjui Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
  • Phahurat Deenok 123 Primary Care Unit, Family Practice Department, Division of Nursing, Srinagarind Hospital
  • Wilawan Aunruean 123 Primary Care Unit, Family Practice Department, Division of Nursing, Srinagarind Hospital


sleep patterns; college students; university


Background and Objective: Undergraduate students have many changes in their life, which may affect the sleep patterns causing several health problems. This study aims to study the perception of problems and the sleep patterns of undergraduate students who attended Primary Care Unit 123 Khon Kaen University.

Methods:  This study was a descriptive study. Population were the undergraduate students attending at Primary Care Unit 123 Khon Kaen University. The calculated sample size was 120. The samples were recruited by time frame allocation. The self-administered questionnaire information including demographic data, sleep information during the past 1 year and additional needs information about sleep problems. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Results: Among 120 college students, most of them (47.5%, 95%CI: 38.38 - 56.78) thought that they had problems in sleeping. Most of them start sleeping at 0.00 - 2.00 a.m., awaking during 6.00 - 8.00 a.m., the number of hours of sleeping was more than 5 hours per day. In college students who thought that they had problems in sleeping, 52.6 percent spent more than 30 minutes for falling asleep, 29.8 percent into bed after 2:00 a.m. and 33.3 percent sleeping less than 5 hours per day.

Conclusion: Most of college students thought that they had trouble in sleeping. The college students who thought that they had problems in sleeping often had problems at the beginning of sleep and the number of sleeping hours in each day less than 5 hours. Therefore, caring of this such population should include screening and education of sleeping problems.


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How to Cite

Butsathon N, Luvira V, Nonjui P, Deenok P, Aunruean W. Sleep Pattern among Students in Khon Kaen University . SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];35(3):332-9. Available from:



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