Depression in the First to Third Year Medical Students of College of Medicine and Pubic Health, Ubonratchatani University


  • Patcharee Phanpanich College of Medicine and Public health, Ubonratchatani University, Warinchamrap, Ubonratchatani, 34190
  • Mereerat Manwong College of Medicine and Public health, Ubonratchatani University, Warinchamrap, Ubonratchatani, 34190
  • Praewwarin Vongsuphakphan College of Medicine and Public health, Ubonratchatani University, Warinchamrap, Ubonratchatani, 34190
  • Latiporn Udomsuk College of Medicine and Public health, Ubonratchatani University, Warinchamrap, Ubonratchatani, 34190


Depression; Medical student; Pre-clinical year


Background and Objective: Depression plays an important role in mental disorders. This study aimed to  investigate the prevalence and associated factors of depression in the first to third year medical students of College of Medicine and Pubic Health, Ubonratchatani University.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on pre-clinical year medical students who registered in 2019. The participants completed a general information, the Thai-version of Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the questionnaire about factors that involved in depression  Descriptive statistics were analyzed with general information. To determine the relationship between the factors and depression using univariate logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression were used and presented in a crude odds ratio, adjusted odds ratio, and 95%confidence interval.

Results: Of the 143 first to third year medical students that participated in the study, 53 were male and 90 were female. The prevalence of depression was found to be 32.87 %; 27.97 % had mild depression, 4.20 % had moderate depression and 0.70 % had severe depression. Depression related with many factors in this study including student examination, parents’ decisions of study in medicine, disinterest in studies and un-readiness to learn.

Conclusions and Discussions: Pre-clinic medical students had a high rate of depression at 32.9% and related with student examination, parents’ decisions of study in medicine, disinterest in studies and un-readiness to learn, respectively. The results from this study confirmed previous study results and might be one of basic information for further supports medical student who has depression.


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How to Cite

Phanpanich P, Manwong M, Vongsuphakphan P, Udomsuk L. Depression in the First to Third Year Medical Students of College of Medicine and Pubic Health, Ubonratchatani University . SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2021 Jun. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(3):287-94. available from:



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