Effect of the Depression Prevention Program in Antepartum and Postpartum Women


  • Paiboon Wannasiri Kalasin Hospital, Mueang district, Kalasin province, Thailand


Depression Prevention Program, pregnant woman depression, postpartum depression


Objective: To compare the mean of pre- and post-natal depression scores between the groups receiving the depression prevention program and receiving regular nursing care.

Methods: This was a quasi-experimental research: pretest and posttest design with a comparison group.  The studied subjects were 200 pregnant women aged 15-44 years old receiving antenatal care and had delivered their babies in Kalasin provinaial hospital during April – September 2021. The experimental group (n=100) received antenatal care and postpartum care and the control group (n=100) received routine care.  The research instruments included 5 parts of questionnaire, i.e. 1) General personal information, 2) Epidemiological studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (Thai version), 3) The Rosenberg’s Self Estean Scale (RSES), 4) Social support data and 5) The Maternal Role Affainment Scale (MRAS). The data were analyzed by computer program by distribution, frequency, percentage, range, mean, standard deviation. and testing the differences in the characteristics of the samples in various aspects. Test the difference of the data by using the Dependent t-test statistic at Continuous data. Test the difference of the data by using the Chi –Square test at Categorical data

Results: When compare the mean of post-natal depression scores, it was found that the groups of Pregnancy receiving the depression prevention program (7.01±2.25) was statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) than the group of pregnancy receiving regular nursing care (13.96±2.11). Post-natal after 24 hour post-receiving the depression prevention program (6.75±1.25) was statistically significantly lower the mean score post-natal after 24 hour pre-receiving the regular nursing care (16.55±1.00). Post-natal after 1-3 week post-receiving the depression prevention program (6.50±1.00) was statistically significantly lower the mean score post-natal after 1-3 week pre-receiving the regular nursing care (16.75±1.00). Post-natal after 4-6 week post-receiving the depression prevention program (6.50±1.25) was statistically significantly lower the mean score than pre-natal after 1-3 week pre-receiving the regular nursing care (16.25±1.75). The mean of The Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem scores, Social support score and The Maternal Role Attainment Score of Post-natal after 24 hour post-receiving the depression prevention program (41.00±2.50) was statistically significantly higher the mean score pre-natal after 24 hour post-receiving the depression prevention program

Conclusion: The Postnatal Depression Prevention Program could reduce postnatal depression.


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How to Cite

Wannasiri P. Effect of the Depression Prevention Program in Antepartum and Postpartum Women. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 24];36(6):702-8. Available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SRIMEDJ/article/view/252869



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