The Efficacy of Additional Force Platform Biofeedback Training on Balance in Chronic Stroke patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Balance, Stroke, Physical Therapy, Force Platform, Biofeedback
balance, chronic stroke, force platform, biofeedbackAbstract
Background and Objectives: Stroke is the leading cause of disability in population. Recently the improvement of biofeedback technologies has been used in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of force platform biofeedback on balance in chronic stroke patients
Methods: A randomized controlled clinical twenty-nine chronic stroke patients were randomly allocated to experimental (n=16) and control groups (n=13). Both groups received a 45-minute conventional physical therapy program 3-day / week for 4 weeks. The experimental group received a balance training program using Force Platform Biofeedback for 20 minutes before the conventional physical therapy. The outcome was balance as measured by Berg balance scale (BBS) and Time up and go test (TUG) respectively. Measurements were conducted at baseline and post-intervention.
Results: The results of this study showed that BBS and TUG recovery of both group at post-intervention improved from baseline significant (p < 0.05). when compared between group found that TUG was different from the control group at pre-intervention and post -intervention found that the experimental group was improvement more than the control group. The BBS in both groups were not significantly different from baseline.
Conclusions: Force platform biofeedback training for 4 weeks has a superior effect on balance more than the conventional physical therapy alone.
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