Cost-Outcome of Cervical Cancer Screening at Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital


  • Chaiyakit Udnan Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital
  • Research Taksin Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital


Cost-Outcome, Direct Medical Cost Analysis, Cervical Cancer Screening


Background and Objective: The incidence of cervical cancer tends to increase and can be found more often in women of all ages. At present, there are only studies on the value of cervical cancer screening. However, the cost-outcome of cervical cancer screening has not been studied in spatial context. This study aimed to the cost-outcome of cervical cancer screening at Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital.

Method: This study was the descriptive study focusing on cost - outcome analysis from the service provider perspective (partially economic evaluation). Data were collected from medical records in the HosXp system of samples who were cervical cancer screen at Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital, fiscal year 2019 – 2021. The statistics used in the research were descriptive statistics and one-way sensitivity analysis.

Results: A total of 3,078 people were cervical cancer screening, the mean age was 41±14.68 years and the most of samples were 1,902 had marital status (61.80 %), 2,978 had eligible Universal Coverage (UC) (96.75 %), 1,711 had voluntarily participated in cervical cancer screening (55.59 %). The cervical cancer screening also revealed cell abnormalities in 92 cases (2.81 %), divided into 86 cases by conventional pap smear and 6 cases by HPV DNA Test. In addition, discovered 8 patients with cervical cancer stage I and 1 patient with cervical cancer stage II. The total cost of cervical cancer screening in 3 years was 1,094,960 baht (average 355.73 baht/person/time) and the average cost of cervical cancer screening per one case was 121,663 Baht.

Conclusions: However, cervical cancer screening was very important, if promoting screening to find new cases at the spatial level can reduce the cost of treating cervical cancer patients in the future.


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How to Cite

Udnan C, Taksin R. Cost-Outcome of Cervical Cancer Screening at Somdejphrajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2022 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];37(6):602-9. available from:



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