The Concordance of the Patient's Severity Classification According to the Criteria of the Medical Department Comparison with the Criteria of Kudrang Hospital
COVID-19, small scale hospital, SARS-CoV-2Abstract
Background and Objectives: COVID-19 is a respiratory infection disease. An effective classification of the COVID-19 patient’s severity can help to allocate resources by appropriately. The purpose of this study was to examine factors affecting the severity of COVID-19 and compare the concordance of the severity level classification of COVID-19 patients according to the criteria of the Medical Department with the criteria of Kudrang hospital, Kudrang district, MahaSarakham province.
Methods: This cross sectional study was performed on Covid-19 patients who received services from Kudrang Hospital between July to September 2021 that categorized into two groups which are green and yellow groups by using Kudrang hospital criteria compared with the criteria of the Department of Medical.
Results: It was found that when using the Kudranghospital criteria for screening, the patients were divided into two groups, green and yellow group. It was found that there was a statistically significant relationship (p< 0.05) with age, blood oxygen concentration, fever, cough, and loss of taste. To consider the concordance of the data from the Kudrung hospital criteria compared to the criteria of the Medical Department, it was found that there was a statistically significant concordance (p < 0.01) at the correlation value (Kappa) of 0.494 with the confidence interval (95%CI) as 0.382-0.605.
Conclusion: Criteria for COVID-19 patients screening that developed from the criteria of the Department of Medical to be consistent with the context of small community hospitals could actually be applied without affecting the quality of patient treatment.
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