Association between Residents’ Perceptions of the Smoking Cessation Campaign and Smoking Behaviors with Attitudes towards Smoking in the Communities of Paknam-Chumphon Subdistric


  • Piyawan Kuwalairat Pharmacy Department. Paknam-Chumphon Hospital, Chumphon, Thailand
  • Rarin Sornkate Nursing Department. Paknam-Chumphon Hospital, Chumphon, Thailand
  • Sunee Lertsinudon Division of Clinical Pharmcy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
  • Win Winit-Watjana Pharmaceutical Care Department, School of Pharmacy, Eastern Asia University, Pathum Thani, Thailand


smoking cessation campaign, perception, smoking behavior, smoking attitude, smoking in community


Background and Objetive: Success in smoking cessation campaign has an impact on people’s smoking behaviors. The campaign is also affected by their attitudes and perceptions. This study aimed to investigate residents’ attitudes toward smoking and their perceptions of a smoking cessation campaign in the communities, and the correlation of the perceptions and smoking behavior.

Methods: This study was a cross-sectional survey conducted in residents aged 15 or over who lived in Paknam-Chumphon subdistrict during July – November 2020. They were purposively selected and interviewed using a data collection form. The residents’ characteristics and smoking data together with attitudes and perceptions were then gathered and analyzed.

Results: A sample of 395 persons 57.7% were females with the mean age of 48.5 years and current smokers of 49.4%. Their attitudes towards no-smoking was mostly involved in the legal aspect. The mean attitude score was regarded as “strongly agree” (3.98) and the non-smokers had significantly higher scores than the smokers. The residents’ perceptions of the smoking cessation campaign was up to 87.6% and associated with their smoking behaviors that led to successful cigarette quitting, especially from the community leaders’ impacts.

Conclusion: Most residents had positive attitudes towards cigarette stopping and good perceptions of the smoking cessation campaign in the communities. Further studies are required for effective smoking cessation campaigns in various communities.


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How to Cite

Kuwalairat P, Sornkate R, Lertsinudon S, Winit-Watjana W. Association between Residents’ Perceptions of the Smoking Cessation Campaign and Smoking Behaviors with Attitudes towards Smoking in the Communities of Paknam-Chumphon Subdistric . SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2023 Feb. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];38(1):57-69. available from:



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