Effectiveness of External Vibrating Device on Children’s Anxiety and Pain Perception During Dental Anesthetic Injections
external vibrating device, anesthesia, anxiety, painAbstract
Background and Objective: Fear and anxiety-related behavior, especially during dental procedures, can be a significant impediment to child's dental care, injections remain
a source of discomfort and concern. This study aimed to study the effectiveness of external vibrating device on children’s anxiety and pain perception during dental anesthetic injections.
Material and method: This was a quasi experimental research. Thirty children aged 5–12 years, requiring dental anesthetic injections, were recruited and allocated equally into two groups. Based on the interventions used: Group 1 (n = 15) first week received topical anesthesia (Precaine®) before dental anesthetic injections and second week received vibration using a Buzzy® device during dental anesthetic injections. Group 2 (n = 15)
first week received a Buzzy® device during dental anesthetic injections and second week received topical anesthesia (Precaine®) before dental anesthetic injections. Venham clinical anxiety scale (VCAS), Venham picture test (VPT), Pulse rate (PR) and pain perception [Wong-baker faces pain rating scale (WBFPS), Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario pain scale (CHEOPS)] were evaluated immediately after injection in first week and second week. Statistical analysis was performed using wilcoxon sign-ranked test to assess the mean difference before and after study, and mann-whitney u test to assess the mean difference between the two groups. Statistical significance was set at p< 0.05.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 6.96±1.60 years, with 63.33% boys. After applying the two methods. The results showed a statistically significant reduction in children’s anxiety and pain perception during dental anesthetic injections (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The external vibrating device seems to be an easy, useful, and might be effective in reducing discomfort and fear in children undergoing infiltration dental anaesthesia.
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