Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Srinagarind Hospital: 2000-2010, Hospital Based


  • Wiyada Punjaruk
  • Krittika Suwanrungruag
  • Kosin Wirasorn


non-small cell lung cancer, survival, Srinagarind hospital


Background and Objectives:Lung cancer is the most common cancer occurred worldwide especially non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and it is the leading cause of death in many countries. The aim of this study is to review the characteristics of NSCLC patients who received treatment in Srinagarind Hospital during 2000-2010. Additionally, survival time was also presented in this study.

Methods: All new NSCLC cancer cases registered in Srinagarind Hospital between January 1st, 2000 and December 31st, 2010 were included in this study. Our data were obtained from the Khon Kaen Cancer Registry. The characteristics of patients and survival time were analysed.

Results: The number of new NSCLC cases studied during 2000-2010 in Srinagarind Hospital was fairly constant in both male and female NSCLC patients. Numbers of NSCLC male cases were approximately 2 folds higher than female cases throughout the study period. The ratio of new NSCLC cases per total cancer cases was 1:11.91 (4,176 of 49,763 cases) or 8.39%. NSCLC was found in male at a higher frequency compared to female (2.57:1). The mean age at primary diagnosis of NSCLC was 60 years in male and 57 years in female. Half of NSCLC patients commonly presented with stage IV and stage III of disease was secondly found (19.76%). Overall median survival time of all NSCLC patients was 7.92 months (95% confidence interval (CI), 7.42, 8.58; p value < 0.05). Additionally, the overall median survival times of patients with stage I-IV were 39.72, 21.84, 11.26, and 6.24 months, respectively.

Conclusions:The trends of NSCLC are accelerating increasing and NSCLC patients usually presented with advanced stages of diseases resulting in poor survival rate.


How to Cite

Punjaruk W, Suwanrungruag K, Wirasorn K. Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Srinagarind Hospital: 2000-2010, Hospital Based. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2015 May 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];30(2):110-5. available from:



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