Factors Associated with Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Way a Diagnosis was Delivered to Adult Cancer Patients in Srinagarind Hospital


  • Panupong Sangsri
  • Passorn Tungkavichitwat
  • Songrit Pongpan
  • Konkarnok Trisirirat
  • Jittiwat Tassaneeyakul
  • Amorn Premgamone
  • Arkhom Bunloet


Diagnosis, Doctor, Cancer Patients, Satisfaction, Srinagarind hospital


Background and Objectives : Poorly delivering a cancer diagnosis to patients can cause psychological harm and worse clinical outcomes. Good communication skills help improve patient satisfaction and psychological adjustment. This study aimed to determine factors that were associated with patient satisfaction regarding the way a cancer diagnosis was delivered to cancer patients in Srinagarind hospital.

Methods : Analytical and descriptive research methodology were used in this study.The study population were adult cancer patients in Srinagarind hospital. Structured interviews were used to collect data. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS statistical software (version 19.0.)

Results : The analyzed data collected from 79 patients (98.75%of the study population) show that there are some factors that were statistically significantly associated to patient satisfaction.The factor most strongly related was showing empathy to patient [OR=7.89 (95%CI: 1.60, 38.89)]. Giving patient opportunities to ask questions [OR=3.75 (95%CI:1.06, 13.24)] and explaining disease process to patient [OR=3.08 (95%CI: 1.02, 9.32)] were also the important factors. However, analyzing data using logistic regression in order to control confounding factors did not show any statistical significant factor. This might be due to too small number of subjects to demonstrate the effects. The study showed 43 patients [54.43% (95%CI = 43.45%, 65.41%)]) were completely satisfied with the way the doctors delivered bad news to them and 36 patients [45.57% (95%CI:  34.59%, 56.55%) were not completely satisfied.

Conclusion : Approximately half of patients were completely satisfied with the way a diagnosis was delivered. Showing empathy to patient, giving patient opportunity to ask questions and explaining disease process to patient were the most important factors that were associated with patient satisfaction.


How to Cite

Sangsri P, Tungkavichitwat P, Pongpan S, Trisirirat K, Tassaneeyakul J, Premgamone A, Bunloet A. Factors Associated with Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Way a Diagnosis was Delivered to Adult Cancer Patients in Srinagarind Hospital. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2016 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];31(5):60. available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SRIMEDJ/article/view/68221



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