
  • Napphadol Chalortham Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Chiangmai
  • Nasapon Povichit Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Satidapron Kreawsa Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Kunkanya Moonsawat Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Dennapa Yasamoot Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Narin Jaisit Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Chaleeporn Saefong Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Laddawan Leepatanakun Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Chadaporn Pongtakam Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Jirapa Na Lamphun Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai
  • Prasit Suwannalert Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok
  • Yohji Ezure Detox (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Chiangmai



passion fruit, seeds, seed coat, embryo, piceatannol, extraction


The aim of the present study was to investigate the use of seed coat of passion fruit seeds prepared by rinsing milled seeds in water for the extraction of piceatannol. The dry matter content of the embryo and the seed coat in the total seeds was 40% (w/w) and 60% (w/w), respectively. The content of piceatannol in the dried total seeds was 0.51% (w/w). It was found that piceatannol was contained substantially only in the seed coat at approximately 0.8% (w/w) of the dried seed coat, while piceatannol was not found in the embryo. The content and the recovery of piceatannol in the extracts prepared by the repeated batch extraction (round 1, 2, and 3) under the various extraction conditions from the total seeds, the seed coat, and the embryo were compared. The content of piceatannol in the extract of round 1, prepared by the extraction condition of refluxing the seed coat in 60% (v/v) ethanol, was 9.5% (w/w) at the maximal recovery of piceatannol (81.9%). By using the synthetic adsorbent and ethyl acetate/0.5% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate partition, the extract containing piceatannol (approximately 20-25%, w/w) was obtained. The present study demonstrated that the use of seed coat was efficient for preparing the extract containing higher amount of piceatannol.


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How to Cite

Chalortham, N., Povichit, N., Kreawsa, S., Moonsawat, K., Yasamoot, D., Jaisit, N., Saefong, C., Leepatanakun, L., Pongtakam, C., Na Lamphun, J., Suwannalert, P., & Ezure, Y. (2018). COMPARISON OF PICEATANNOL CONTENT IN SEED COAT AND EMBRYO OF PASSION FRUIT. Thai Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14(1), 35–48.



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