
  • Jutawan Nuanchankong Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Science and Technology,Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Pathumthani
  • Pattamaporn Jaroennon Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Science and Technology,Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Pathumthani
  • Sakunta Manakla Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Science and Technology,Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Pathumthani




lotus seeds, tryptophan, sleep quality


This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of lotus seeds consumption on sleep quality and other sleep-related parameters. Thirteen participants consumed 80 g of roasted lotus seeds that contained approximately 250 mg of tryptophan daily for 4 weeks. Subjective sleep measurement (Thai version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (Thai-PSQI)), Daily Sleep Diary, Stress Test Questionnaire (ST5), the Revised Piper Fatigue Scale (RPFS) and nutritional assessment including anthropometric and dietary assessments were tools for the evaluation. Daily 80 g of roasted lotus seeds consumption for 4 weeks significantly improved sleep quality (6.2 ± 2.5), habitual sleep efficiency (92.9 ± 5.8 %), total sleep time (6.8 ± 0.8 h), sleep onset latency (36.9 ± 13.1 min) and stress (5.7 ± 3.4). Moreover, day-time dysfunction, feeling refreshed after waking up, and fatigue also improved. The study recommends that consumption of roasted lotus seeds, which contain natural tryptophan, is beneficial to sleep and can potentially relieve insomnia.


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How to Cite

Nuanchankong, J., Jaroennon, P. ., & Manakla, S. . (2022). EFFICACY OF NATURAL TRYPTOPHAN FROM LOTUS SEEDS ON SLEEP QUALITY AND OTHER SLEEP-RELATED PARAMETERS . Thai Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 17(2), 139–146. https://doi.org/10.69598/tbps.17.2.139-146



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